Biomass, including all animals, plants, and microorganisms, refers to various organisms formed by photosynthesis, utilizing atmosphere, water and land. Biomass resources mainly include agricultural and forestry crops, aquatic algae, photosynthetic microorganisms, agricultural and forestry product waste, municipal waste, and livestock waste. All these can be used to produce liquid biofuels, Gaseous biofuels or solid fuels.
Liquid Biofuels, also known as Biofuels oil, including Biodiesel (FAME), HVO and BTL, refer to liquid fuels produced by transesterification or catalytic cracking, using animal and vegetable oils(biomass) as feed. Basic materials could be renewable vegetable substances, such as Oil seeds, Soy bean, Palm oil, Corn, Microalgae, etc., or animal fat and oil waste. A liquid biofuel is the liquid part of these substances.
1. Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME), also known as Biodiesel, is a fuel oil produced through transesterification of vegetable oil, animal fat, or waste edible oil, in which various oils (triglycerides) are converted into methyl esters. This is the most widely used type of biofuel oil in the industry. Usually mixed with marine diesel MGO. International standards: EN 14214,ASTM D6751,EN 590。
2. Biomass-to-Liquids (BTL), also known as Biomass fuel oil, refers to the liquid fuel synthesized by thermochemical conversion and gasification of biomass into synthesis gas, and then catalytic conversion. The chemical properties of the final product may differ from conventional fuels such as gasoline or diesel, but it can also be used in diesel engines. International standards: EN 16709,EN 15940。
3. Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO), also known as Renewable diesel, refers to the refined product of vegetable oil, animal fat, and other oils, either alone or in combination with petroleum, through a hydroprocessing process to produce hydrocarbons from fatty acids. The production process is usually more expensive than biodiesel, but HVO is a directly usable fuel that can be used in direct distribution, refueling facilities, and existing diesel engines without the need for processing. HVO is commonly referred to as renewable diesel to distinguish it from biodiesel (FAME). International standards: ASTM D 975。
Low costs, highly attractive
Biomass is the only clean renewable energy resource that can be liquefied. Biomass oil made from fast pyrolysis of biomass is convenient for being stored and transported with potential to be used as a fossil oil substitute.
The clear advantages of fuels derived from waste products are not only the low price, but they are also environmentally friendly. They are even CO2 neutral, generate considerably less particle emissions than HFO and emit practically no sulphates. This makes them a very attractive source of energy.
Our engines can burn a wide range of substances normally considered as waste. Vegetable oils (such as palm oil, and corn oil, etc.), animal fats, used cooking oil, frying fat and tallow can also be used as fuel for our engines when pre-refined.
Transesterified and non-transesterified vegetable oils can be used. Transesterified biofuels (biodiesel, FAME) must comply with the standard EN14214. Non-transesterified biofuels must comply with the specifications listed in table 2 Specification of non-transesterified biofuel.
According to requirements on plant side, Biofuel has to be divided into 3 categories:
Category 1: Transesterified biofuel
For example: Biodiesel (FAME). Esterified biofuel is comparable to MDO (ISO-F-DMB/ ISO-F-DMC), therefore standard layout of fuel oil system for MDO-operation to be used.
Category 2: Not transesterified biofuel and pour point below 20°C
For example: Vegetable oil and Rape-seed oil. Not transesterified biofuel with pour point below 20°C is comparable to HFO (ISO-F-RM), therefore standard layout of fuel oil system for HFO-operation to be used.
Category 3: Not transesterified biofuel and pour point above 20° C
For example: Palm oil, Stearin, Animal fat, and Frying fat. Not transesterified biofuel with a pour point above 20° C carries a risk of flocculation and may clog up pipes and filters unless special precautions are taken. Therefore the standard layout of fuel oil system for HFO-operation has to be modified concerning following aspects:
▪ In general no part of the fuel oil system must be cooled down below pour point of the used biofuel.
▪ Fuel cooler for circulation fuel oil feeding part => to be modified. In this circuit a temperature above pour point of the biofuel is needed without overheating of the supply pumps.
▪ Sensor pipes to be isolated or heated and located near to main pipes.
▪ To prevent injection nozzles from clogging indicator filter size 0.010 mm has to be used instead of 0.034 mm.
Please be aware
▪ An addition to the fuel oil consumption is necessary: 2 g/kWh addition to fuel oil consumption.
▪ Engine operation with fuels of low calorific value like biofuel, requires an output reduction: ▪ LCV ≥ 38 MJ/kg Power reduction 0%; ▪ LCV ≥ 36 MJ/kg Power reduction 5%; ▪ LCV ≥ 35 MJ/kg Power reduction 10%..
All of our medium speed liquid fuel engines can burn liquid biofuels. And our medium speed dual fuel engines are naturally able to burn liquid biofuels in liquid fuel mode as well.。
1) Always reference to the latest edition.
2) Specific requirements of the injection system must be taken into account.
3) SOLAS specification, A lower flash point is possible for non-SOLAS-regulated applications.
4) Determined at 10% distillation residue.
5) Independent of the maximum permissible sulphur content, local laws and regulations must be adhered to.
6) If there is more than 2% (V/V) FAME, an analysis as per EN 15751 is an additional requirement.
7) The FAME must either comply with EN 14214 or with ASTM D6751.
8) Diameter of the corrected wear scar (WS).
Note:For Soar to confirm if the engine can operate using a special type of fuel, please provide a detailed fuel specification.
1) Always reference to the latest edition.
2) SOLAS specification, A lower flash point is possible for non-SOLAS-regulated applications.
3) 10°C below the lowest temperature in the fuel systems.
Note:1. All data provided on this site is for information purposes only, explicitly non-binding and subject to changes without further notice.
2. For Soar to confirm if the engine can operate using a special type of fuel, please provide a detailed fuel specification.