Crude oil forms the basis of all petroleum products, and it has more than 500 components, mainly consisting of different hydrocarbons, naphthenic acids, phenol, resins, aldehydes and organic sulphur compounds. Its conditions may be very different, depending on where the origin. According to its sulphur content, crude oil can be “sweet” or “sour”. The density is typically between 820 and 940 kg/m³.
Fossil oil includes two categories: Conventional oil and unconventional oil. The conventional oil is crude oil produced from oil wells. In addition to conventional oil, a great concern to the exploration of unconventional oil resources is given, unconventional oil includes the exploitation of shale oil and oil sands etc.. Due to the continuous development of mining technology such as oil shale fracturing and oil sand separation, the oil production from oil shale and oil sands is gradually increasing. In the future, North America may become the main force in the growth of global oil supply.
All our medium speed liquid fuel engines can burn crude oil. Our medium speed dual fuel engines are naturally also capable of burning crude oil in liquid fuel.
Crude oil exploitation
Our crude oil technology and experience date back to the 1990s. Since then, the company has sold several crude oil engines of various sizes to all parts of the world. For Soar to confirm if the engine can operate using a special type of fuel, please provide a detailed fuel specification.
1. 2/3 of carbon residue according to Conradson;
2. Minimum 10°C below the lowest temperature in the entire fuel system ;
3.All data provided on this site is for information purposes only, subject to changes without further notice.。